Why are obesity and diabetes increasingly massive?


Do you think that even the fruits we eat today are with their original taste and form in the past?

No, the fruit has undergone what is called "Genetic Engineering" which makes the fruit more pleasing to the eye and sweeter, sweeter sentences lead to the intake of sugar and carbohydrates which is quite a lot to the body of the eater than if it was still in the form the original (hasn't been genetically modified), although this is certainly not the only massive factor in obesity and even DM 2 as the question asks, but people will at least feel comfortable and even think it's healthy to consume kilos of grapes, bananas or rambutans because of the assumption The sugar content is small and is reduced by the fiber content in it, so that the supply of sugar from these fruits contributes to the accumulation of other sugars from the many foods eaten.

Above is the original form of a banana, then genetically modified in such a way and we find it "sweet" like this:

Another example is watermelon, at the beginning of its appearance on the market (under 1645) the shape was very much different (of course also tasted) with what is now, try to compare it in the image below:

In the past the red sweet part only took a little part of the fruit, while now with various types and shapes with the "sugar" level which of course is increased to add to the delicious taste:

I'm not a doctor, but I know that the sugar content (called fructose) in high-sugar fruits can only be processed by the liver, this "blind" intake of fructose certainly triggers obesity, DM 2, fatty liver and a number of other non-communicable diseases. .

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