Some anatomical differences between men and women

Apart from the obvious ones when the bodies are alive (a high-pitched voice in women and a deep one in men, beard and mustache, hair on arms and legs, rounded breasts and internal gonads in women, etc.), anthropologists have ways of discovering if a skeleton belonged to a man or a woman. For example:

eye orbits. More rounded in a female skull, more squared in a male skull

The glabella is straight in female skulls and angular in males.

The male jaw tends to be more square than the female, which describes a more open angle.

the palatines. In the case of a female corpse it is more rectangular, in the male case it is triangular

The pelvic cavity. In the case of women, it is much wider to allow the passage of a baby

In addition, the female cavity is rounded, the male cavity is heart-shaped.

The female sacrum is wide and the male sacrum is narrow.

The sciatic notch is straighter in women and more angular in men.

The female sacral curve is elliptical and the male sacral curve is a segment of a circle.

The female mastoids are rounded and the male mastoids are angular.

These are some important details, for example, in the identification of carcasses when the meat has not been preserved and does not allow identification of sex.

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