What will happen if we don't talk at all for a year?

In India, there is a meditation practice called "Vipassana" where participants spend several days without speaking a word.

I myself attended one such session and was silent for 5 days. This is what I experienced:

  1. The first day, you have to repeatedly remind yourself to keep your mouth shut This stage may feel very awkward but you will soon get used to it.
  2. Since I was at the meditation center at the time, I did not have access to a telephone, internet or television. The organizers encourage participants to think about their lives Everything about your life! They encourage you to remember everything. It doesn't matter how many years a person has lived, most participants in my session can remember their entire life in a day - how short a human's life is.
  3. Sleep is one way to pass the timeBut for more than a day or two, sleep doesn't really work. Because once you sleep you've had enough, you can't force yourself to sleep.
  4. You become more sensitive to soundWhen you're constantly not listening to people talking, you begin to notice sounds in nature, the sound of eating utensils touching and even the sound of your own breathing organs.
  5. You become much more able to read and speak through body languageEye contact, facial expressions, shrugs, hand gestures. You begin to be able to adjust your body language to convey the message. In fact, you can almost "hear" someone's body language from a distance.
  6. But perhaps the most surprising result is that when you are given the freedom to speak again, you will not want to because you realize that you have no urgency to speak.
  7. When you speak again, your ears don't fully recognize your own voice. It's similar to listening to a recording of your own voice - you're wondering if this is what your voice sounds like to other people's ears because it sounds so weird.

1 comment:

  1. The head of the article is a question but the article doesn't answer the question. A cliffhanger without a cliff (or a hanger).


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