What would happen if a person ate only fruit?

Hello, Fruits are carbohydrates, that is, one of the types of sugar. A fruit-based diet could serve to release toxins for no more than 2 days. A person who does it for a week will notice changes in his body, mood, genius. Your endocrine system will not be fulfilling its functions properly If it continues in that action, which is unlikely, the mind knows when to activate the sense of protection, your mind must assume that the brain needs nutrients that it will not find in the fruit, although this is varied. Our stomach has mutated to an omnivorous reception, with an inflection on proteins of animal origin, although the rise of the Vegan message sometimes makes us feel a little guilty.

As life goes on and everything in our body is at the service of the Mind which lies in the BRAIN, it will sacrifice the muscles to obtain proteins and the Bone system will obtain minerals, the mind will strengthen the hunger reflex. With a possible hyperglycemia, the body will defend itself by awakening the response of the hormone insulin, storing the sugar that cannot be burned as fat.

You may lose a kilo but you will not lose body volume, that is, size, because fat occupies 4 times more volume than muscle Strength will decrease, low spirits will become noticeable and the person will become irritable due to possible particular mood decompensations. Losing weight is not an easy task, less when the cause of being overweight is unknown. By learned response we know, we believe that we must do once again, a regimen to eliminate excess fat that will be stored between our viscera, will infiltrate our skin, it will be fat that will not be used, it will remain there forgotten...

NO, I do not recommend the experience of eating only fruit to anyone, it is not a good alternative, unless it is an emergency... unavoidable due to being isolated and/or it was the only option .

Informative ANNEX:

The gorilla is a herbivore, preferably, although suddenly it sins with a small bird or a rodent. He eats and eats, up to 25 kilos a day, he has a slow digestion and transforms the cellulose fiber by fermentation in his voluminous colon. The knowledge, available to everyone on Google, indicates that between the time the gorilla eats something and the first appearance of fecal material, thirty-five hours pass, +/-.

Humans have a long small intestine, just like gorillas, but our colon is noticeably smaller It produces a limited absorption of nutrients, its main function is to reabsorb organic fluids. In the human intestine, the transit time is quite fast.

Human beings take about twenty-two hours to evacuate small plastic markers swallowed with food. This experiment, available as data on Google, indicates that our digestive system is not well adapted to fibrous diets; rather it is a stomach for meat, we are adapted, it seems, to animal proteins, of less volume and quickly digestible, which does not mean that vegetables are not nutrients and have an important role in the human stomach.

Take care of your body, take care of what you eat, your mind lives in your physical body, there are all your memories plus the concept of the future. Life at all ages and states is beautiful, for the sole fact that it is the awareness of our mission, to Exist...

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