What things harm your mental health without you realizing it?


oops! Too many things and most people do them without even stopping to think.

  • Worry about things that you cannot control, such as the opinion that others have of you, or the unforeseen events of day to day
  • Constantly thinking about the past and how you would have done things...
  • Constantly thinking about your mistakes and wanting to change them.
  • Constantly thinking that you are good for nothing, that you are stupid or useless.
  • Above all, women are very given to comparing ourselves with others, because our social education is based exclusively on liking others. Wishing to have someone else's body, someone else's job, someone else's husband, someone else's life... friend, don't do that: those thoughts don't pay you anything and you hurt yourself.
  • Also in women there is the "impostor syndrome" prepared women, with a career, self-sufficient, who think they are not giving the maximum in what they do, whether they are businesswomen, managers or housewives. Remember that for every 4 professional women who think they "do not deserve their position", there is 1 man hired with half the requirements that the position requires.
  • Being all the time thinking about pleasing people who do not bring you anything, looking for them or calling them.
  • Worry about the past or worry about the future. The past is done, the future is yet to come, live your present.
  • Thinking that your happiness depends on being somewhere or with someone or in a job or living somewhere. Your happiness should not depend on those things.
  • Not learning to let go of things in due time. Release possessions, release belongings, release friends, release partners who no longer contribute to your life and are only hindering what has to come.
  • Letting the emotions of others alter us. Don't let them drag you into their war, pull them into your Peace
  • Thinking that all the time you have to be "productive" and not. Rest is necessary. Meditation is necessary. Relaxation is necessary.  Fun are necessary.
  • The wisdom to stop. The pace of life requires us to always be on the move, hardly anyone stops to think, why am I doing this?
  • Start something and want immediate results, for example start exercising or start reading books. No. The fruits come with perseverance, repetition, patience.
  • Do not give your opinion or remain silent to please people.
  • Do not talk to a toxic partner to avoid "getting uncomfortable". On the contrary, what of your life is the one who has to go.
  • Putting up with a toxic partner for the fear of being alone, or for the fear that your children will be left "without a father".
  • Walk with the first or the first unpresentable just for fear of loneliness
  • Constantly wanting to invade the other's opinion, here in Qura you see it a lot with the complainers who say, oh, so-and-so and Mengano close their comments, they won't let me comment on their response, I want to debate!... Man, if you want so much If you give your opinion, write your own answer.
  • You also don't need to read or follow people you don't like.
  • Nor that you agree on everything with the people you like.

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