What are some examples of Korean food that turns out to be not as good as it looks?

Naengmyeon or Korean Cold Noodles!

In the past, when I often watched Korean dramas, this cold noodle was included in my wishlist of foods that I must try when I went to Korea.

But it turns out……….

The taste on my tongue is very strange and there is absolutely no pleasure that I feel from this food. 

this is roughly my naive expression during the first sip before the cold reality hit

These cold noodles, as the name implies……

really cold!

With a noodle texture like vermicelli (but tougher), a gravy with (sorry!) spices that are weird on the tongue, and of course served so cold that you will be confused about eating noodles or mixed ice. For me, this food really tastes unforgivable for the stomach.

Don't ever imagine that cold noodles are seasoned like chicken noodles, especially indomie noodles with chicken onion soup, which we all love. It's hard to describe, but I think it's quite strange for the average Indonesian tongue.

My advice if you are really curious about the food that is often shown in Korean dramas maybe you can try:

Ramyeon, Tteokbokki, or Bibimbap.

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