Some erroneous little habits that we often do without even realizing it

 Brew powdered milk with hot water.

What's the point of drinking milk? Increase your protein intake, right? Especially for the baby grandparents who don't drink breast milk. Surely you need protein intake from powdered milk, right? So, the problem is, at what temperature will milk protein be denatured?

Milk protein is denatured at 70°C. What is denaturation? Denaturation is a process in which a protein or nucleic acid loses its tertiary structure and secondary structure by the application of some external pressure or compound, such as a strong acid or base, a concentrated inorganic salt, an e.g. organic solvent, or heat .

Pasteurization of milk batches is generally carried out with a combination of temperature and time of 63°C for 30 minutes (low temperature long time). The application of appropriate pasteurization on the quality aspect can be seen with the least chemical, physical, and organoleptic changes in the product (Tamime, 2009).

The effect of pasteurization on milk in general can cause damage to vitamins (A, B1, B5, B9, B12, C, and D), whey protein denaturation and changes in sensory properties (Meunier-Goddik & Sandra, 2011). So the shape of the protein and its content will change if we brew it with water whose temperature is above 70°C. Even broken.

Well, how many degrees is the hot water temperature at home? If you boil water until it boils, then the temperature can be above 80°C. If that's the case, what you drink is mostly just milk fat. Why? Because the efficacy of the milk you brew is reduced. The content of protein and vitamins has been damaged by temperature.

It's a loss!!!!

So how do you make sure the temperature is below 70°C? I found the tips from Allodoc. He said this:

To make milk dissolve, many parents think that freshly boiled water is the best solution. In fact, the temperature of the water for dissolving powdered formula is around 70 degrees Celsius.

The easy way is to let the water sit for about 30 minutes after boiling. The reason is that hot water is needed to kill bacteria that may be in powdered formula, but not to get too hot."

So, before brewing powdered milk, make sure the water temperature is not too hot! Because the nutritional content in it can be damaged. It's a loss if you drink milk, you only get milk fat.

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