Some male hygiene tips you wish everyone knew

 1- If your beard does not grow evenly, shave it: This is a mistake that all men make in our first years of adulthood because of the desire to want to wear a beard. We want to be more manly, or at least appear so, and in that desire we grow a beard even if it has bald spots or does not grow thick enough to make us look presentable. I see a lot of not so young men with ridiculous bald beards perfectly dressed, who find their beard unattractive. Men of the world: If your beard does not grow well, be honest with yourself and find a flattering facial hairstyle taking advantage of the areas where it does grow. If it is not possible, shave completely.

2- Use cologne: A good cologne is more important than being well dressed. Spend the money, do not use the typical supermarket one, because even if you think you are saving, it is actually spent much faster and lasts less than an hour on the skin. Go to a perfumery and get a good fragrance that you like, and use it every time you go out.

3- Deodorant is not a substitute for a shower: Shower every other day, and if you sweat more than average, shower every day trying to wash your hair with soap every other day. This point is very important because greasy hair or the smell of unwashed clothes will leave you in a bad position. You must get the most out of yourself, do it for yourself, and secondly for the world.

4- If you can, avoid smoking: the smell of tobacco permeates your clothes and will turn your teeth yellow. Not to mention that it will seriously damage your health. Smoking does not bring you anything positive, it takes away your health, money and attractiveness. Brush your teeth 3 times a day and pass the brush over your tongue. This is where the bacteria settle and that is the cause of bad breath; having this habit helps to avoid it

5- Do not wear shirts full of holes, it is not worth it : All men, including me in his day, pride ourselves on not spending money on clothes. Do you make sense of this? Of course not. Hygiene is presence, and as such includes physical appearance. Take care of your clothes and keep them in good condition. If you have socks with tomatoes, throw them away, white t-shirts turn yellow over time and rubber bands are not cool. Investing in clothes is one of the best things a man can do with his money. Have the basics if you want, but try to keep what you have in good condition.

6- Keep pubic hair at bay: Pubic hair makes your little friend look smaller than he is, and none of us want that. You can use a razor with a head that leaves the hair at the correct height so as not to shave it completely, as this will irritate the area.

7- If you are going bald, shave your head and instead wear a cap, hat, beret according to your style: Going bald is a trauma, I guarantee you that I know what you are going through. But it's time to take a step forward, to be brave and stop making the curtain. You will look fresher, cleaner and more attractive; I give you my word.

8- Cut your nails often, if you let them grow the scab will settle on them:

Minimally long nails can be useful for some task but we must be careful not to exceed certain limits, otherwise they will turn black.

9- Remove your eyebrows and shave your back: Removing your eyebrows will be easy for you using tweezers, and for your back you will need someone to help you. If you have this problem, it is best to have laser hair removal, but for this you will need capital and it may be beyond your means. The hair on the back, in addition to making you sweat too much, is uncomfortable when you lean on any backrest since the hairs will pull you and hurt you. On the other hand, when the hair on the back meets the hair on the nape of the neck, it is terrible, since many men try to shave exclusively the neck (which is the visible part) leaving the rest of the back with hair, as if they were wearing a shirt. put. If this is your case, do not hesitate, shave your entire back.

As you may have seen, almost all the tips are focused on keeping your body hair at bay and smelling good They are two simple points but difficult to understand in our eyes. Just think about keeping everything you have in good condition, and what you can't keep, eliminate it. Take care of your inner flame:

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