Some extreme foods that make you wonder why anyone would want to eat them

This food I encountered during my stay in Japan. Actually, it's not really extreme, but to be honest, I have no intention of trying these foods:


They say this food comes from Korea, but I often see it while in Japan, especially at yakiniku restaurants. Yukhoe is minced raw beef (sometimes there is also fish) topped with sauce or shouyu (soy sauce) eaten with raw eggs. Can you imagine how it feels??

(Tamago Kake Gohan)

This is freshly cooked rice mixed with raw eggs, plus shouyu (soy sauce) or sesame oil. If I see on TV commercials for Ajinomoto, Shun Oguri who is the star of this commercial eats tamagokake gohan mixed with micin only!

Ampo & Mud Cake

Ampo is a snack made of clay. The others already know about this, right?

Same with this cake made from mud. Due to the high poverty rate, Haitians eat cakes made from mud as a snack to fill the stomach.

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