Simple secret to get rid of a bloated stomach

Very simple.

Replace sweet drinks with mineral water and jumping jack + plank + push ups 30 times each in the morning before activities. The sweet drink is sugar, hmm...

Private document. The mineral water I just drank. Usually I drink Nestle Purelife because it doesn't make me sick to my stomach, who used to rarely drink mineral water if it wasn't cold.

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When I eat, I eat whatever food I eat, but for breakfast I require 2 boiled fruit or eggs or plain milk.

In the past, even though my body was tiny, but my belly was bloated, it's really not that bad when I wear a dress/blouse/gamis/tunic that's the point where the clothes slurry all the way down... the belly always sticks out, duh, seriously.

After eliminating the habit of drinking sweet drinks for about 6 months, my stomach is no longer distended, although sometimes at night I like to eat 10 skewers of satay along with 1 serving of rice, duck rice, porridge, martabak etc. If I really want to, I have a schedule, once a week drink sweet drinks, because my favorites are es cendol dawet, ice teler, mixed ice, fruit soup, eh sekoteng and other iced ice.

Hopefully useful, yok bye-bye big belly.

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