Is it dangerous to eat fruit from a bat bite?

Do you plant fruit trees around the house? Have you ever seen a fruit fall and look like it's been eaten?

if so, the bitten fruit is a fruit that has been eaten by bats or large bats.

Bats or bats love to eat ripe fruit. Then, can the fruit that already has bat bite marks still be consumed?

Disease-Mediating Bats

Bats are fruit-eating bats or commonly called Flying fox or Giant fruit bats. The Latin name of this bat is Pteropus vampyrus.

The body shape is indeed larger than bats in general. Bats can weigh up to 1,500 grams and their wingspan can reach 1700 mm.

This animal is often feared by many people because it is active at night. However, that's not really what you need to be afraid of off the bat, you guys.

Bats are dangerous because they can transmit disease to humans. Bats contain 137 viruses and 61 of them can be transmitted to humans.

Bats can transmit diseases including nipah virus, Hendra virus, Marburg virus, and rabies.

Bat-transmitted disease

1. Nipah Virus

Nipah virus is a virus that can be transmitted by fruit-eating bats. If it is close to a bat nest, it is very susceptible to risk of infection with this disease.

Symptoms include respiratory infections, fever, and inflammation of the brain.

2. Hendra Virus

The next virus is the Hendra virus. Hendra virus is the same as nipah virus because it is transmitted by bats. The difference is, this virus is spread through horses.

So, the virus is spread through bat droppings mixed with horse food.

3. Marburg Virus

Meanwhile, the Marburg virus is spread through exposure to saliva and bat bites. Symptoms include fever, joint pain, and bleeding.

4. Rabies

The last disease is rabies. It turns out that this disease is not only transmitted through dogs. However, bats that have been infected with rabies can also transmit it to humans.

Transmission occurs when humans are bitten, scratched, or exposed to the saliva of a bat infected with rabies.

Well, because it should be recommended not to eat fruit that has been eaten by bats.

Cutting some of the fruit that has been bitten by the bats also does not guarantee that the fruit is free from viral infections.

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