If the chance of recovering from the Corona virus is 97%, why is the world so panicked?

The risk of Covid is not just death. Doctors in Europe are now getting to know people who have Long Covid, i.e. people who are cured but experience side effects.

According to current estimates, about 10–20% of people with COVID-19 develop long-term symptoms. Even with mild illness, people affected by Covid experience lethargy and decreased stamina for several months.

If severe it can damage the lungs and heart as well, which can be permanent. Many of the patients remain short of breath or tired quickly because their lung capacity and circulatory system have been reduced due to Covid.

Imagine going up 2 floors of stairs already breathless, is it good to live like that? Or are you alive but must be connected to an oxygen cylinder? People like that have to take months of therapy.

The cause of long Covid is not yet fully known. Many patients are not aware of the long-term effects of Covid, some have recovered from Covid but on MRI the heart muscle becomes inflamed, or when the blood is checked, the cells still have abnormalities.

So the risk is not only 3% death plus 10%-20% long term symptoms and organ damage.

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