Food that used to be only consumed by the poor, but is now the food of the rich

One of the famous foods that used to be an intake for the poor was caviar. I don't think that the sturgeon caviar, which now costs around 3000€ per kilo, is a completely worthless meal. That's for sturgeon eggs, if the beluga fish it can reach 30.000€.

Fish dishes on caviar in an art deco style can be found at the restaurant l'Ambroisie-Paris.

In Ancient Greece and Rome, these black grains were boiled into a porridge as a substitute for meat. And until medieval times, Europeans gave this food to pigs hahaha. So many sturgeon fish In the river waters of Europe, farmers even use the flesh of this fish as fertilizer sometimes they.

It was only in the 18th century that sturgeon eggs graced the dinner tables of wealthy Europeans. Since caviar became a trend on tsarist Russia's table, the Russian elite followed suit. When the Bolchevik revolution took place, it was these Russian elites who finally introduced this food to the elites of other European countries. And since then caviar has conquered the hearts of Europe.

Beluga caviar is white.

But through intensive fishing and hunting, the sturgeon has gradually become an endangered species. Imports are limited, and it is a protected species. The scarcity of this commodity is what makes the price soar.

Actually I don't understand where the delicious caviar is. The taste is nothing more than a bland cendol taste. Maybe my low-key taste can't be helped anymore.

Quality caviar should shine, if it is dull it is a bad sign. Caviar should not be too liquid but not too dense.

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